Remember that scene in Truth or Dare when Kevin Costner comes backstage?
Well, more than fifteen years later, he's still talking about Madonna.
When asked by her Madgesty what he thought of her Blond Ambition concert, he replied that it was "neat."
After he makes a hasty exit from her dressing room, Madonna mockingly shoved her finger down her throat and says, "Anybody who says my show is 'neat' has to go."
Well, apparently that whole incident in her film hurt Kevy's feelings, but he and Madonna have since made up.
He reveals to the LA Times all about it.
"Yeah, I was embarrassed by it and kind of hurt by it. I just went back there because I was asked to go back. And I found the best word that I could. I never called her on it or whatever.
"But she did a really beautiful thing. She was performing [in L.A.] about three or four years ago, so I decided to take my daughters to see her. I just thought this is somebody they should see. I didn't call anybody for tickets, I just got tickets and we went down....
"And about the third song in, the lights were down, and she said, 'I want to apologize to someone.' And all of a sudden my face starts to get hot.... And she says, 'I want to apologize to Kevin Costner.' She just said it very simply. Ninety-eight percent of that audience didn't know what she was talking about. But I really respected that, and it showed me the power of just keeping your own counsel for a long time.... Whatever possessed her, whatever was inside her, she came to her own decision. And a bigger thing came out of some kind of humiliation.
"I never wrote her to say thank you, but I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, and that meant more to me than you could ever know."
segunda-feira, maio 28, 2007
adorei isso aqui:
tá no perez hilton (que pegou do la times), estou com uma certa preguiça de traduzir. resumindo, é a notícia de que madonna pediu desculpas públicas ao kevin costner pela careta que fez no documentário "na cama com madonna" quando o moço, na melhor das intenções, disse que seu show foi 'jóia'. a surpresa é que a loira fez esta gracinha espontaneamente, quatro anos atrás, em outra turnê, deixando até mesmo o costner (que comprou seu próprio ingresso) incrédulo. a maior surpresa, na minha opinião, foi o sensível ator/diretor dizer que isso significava mais para ele do que ela jamais poderia imaginar. meio demais, não?
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